
2012年5月10日 星期四

~Secret of Life~


去了Patrick家后(赴一场vegan晚宴),我开始爱上James  Taylor 的歌。其实以前听了不少他的歌,只是不懂歌手是谁。
James Taylor 的歌喉永远带着一股陈年的味道。就算在近年演唱,仍然有种让人掉入时空隧道的魔力,然后画面开始泛黄。心中那遗忘已久的时光,被隐隐牵动

~Secret of Life~
The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time 
Any fool can do it 
There ain't nothing to it 
Nobody knows how we got to 
The top of the hill 
But since we're on our way down 
We might as well enjoy the ride 

The secret of love is in opening up your heart 
It's okay to feel afraid 
But don't let that stand in your way 
'cause anyone knows that love is the only road 
And since we're only here for a while 
Might as well show some style 
Give us a smile 

Isn't it a lovely ride 
Sliding down 
Gliding down 
Try not to try too hard 
It's just a lovely ride 

Now the thing about time is that time 
Isn't really real 
It's just your point of view 
How does it feel for you 
Einstein said he could never understand it all 
Planets spinning through space 
The smile upon your face 
Welcome to the human race 

Some kind of lovely ride 
I'll be sliding down 
I'll be gliding down 
Try not to try too hard 
It's just a lovely ride 

Isn't it a lovely ride 
Sliding down 
Gliding down 
Try not to try too hard 
It's just a lovely ride 

Now the secret of life is enjoying the passage of time

